
For it is by grace you have been saved,
through faith –
and this is not from yourselves,
it is the gift of God
Ephesians 2:8
Monday, June 29, 2009 1:08 PM

  1. plz go to the blog post on Friday, June 5, 2009(CG vision day) super imp

  2. 19 july (Sun) after CG @ 1.30pm-4.30pm there is a youth & sexuality forum. good for you so if can come k

  3. 29 aug (Sat) Help out @ youth Alpha. need manpower (ie. set-up, serving food and clean-up). meet @ 5.45pm to pray first


btw keep me in prayer, having exam this week mon(just finish), wed & fri and pray for joash and Shirley k..

Shirley going tan tock seng now, suspected for H1n1

Shun bin

My QT leasson on 1 cor 8:1-3
12:29 PM

To Deborah: firstly i am glad you shared you view and ya "Some things are mysteries for a reason" and "something isn't that important afterall"

Even though i personally believe the bible is literal, i am glad you said "Minor on the minors and Major on the majors." as christian we have so many believes in comment :)
also i really apriciate your sharing and courage, below is something I learn recently as i was doing my QT(i now studying the book of 1 Cor) hope you learn something from it also (",)
To ALL: From church history we learn the the church is split up(even today) and christian fight because of SMALL difference and how sad it is. How sad God feels

someone onces said "Go ahead and study the bible, gain knowleage and wisdom for there is no benefit of being stupid"

however if having knowleage cause us to lack love, wat good it do to us
1 Corinthians 8:1-3

But while knowledge makes us feel important, it is love that strengthens the church. Anyone who claims to know all the answers doesn’t really know very much. But the person who loves God is the one whom God recognizes(NLT)

Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know. But the man who loves God is known by God.(NIV)
this verse speeks volume to me. i highlighted it in my bible. LOVE LOVE LOVE..

12:25 PM

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To Bernard
Happy Birthday To You

Fantastic 4 Changes to the CG
12:13 PM

1. From now on, CG(cell group) will be call LCG(life change group). this happens through out the church

2. After service we will go stright for CG(ok i prefear CG then LCG) @ vera's house(unless otherwise states) the LUNCH AFTER CG.. so don;t need to rush

3. From now on, me, Vera & tabby will be planning 3 months ahead for the CG BS. the BS topics will be posted on the blog so you all can prepare and also know wat to expect. also. you all will be more invlove in choosing the BS topics & even leading BS(so be prepare)

4. From now on, we will be spliting up to smaller group after every BS for deeper sharing and prayer(as you notice last week)

Some things are mysteries for a reason
Saturday, June 27, 2009 12:18 AM

There are numberous mysteries of theology, as I'm sure many of you realise. But sometimes, the mysteries of God and the Bible are often overlooked. We assume that we have the clear textbook answer to certain questions, but the fact is, we don't.

Shunbin would have remembered the question I raised at Youth Alpha training one night. My question was what is the church's stance on the parts of the Bible which are harder to believe. Like God creating the world in six days, the falling of man in Eden, so on and so fourth. Well, Pastor Timothy asked me what I thought as a christian myself, and when I said that I didn't know, he told me that it was quite important that I make a decision to believe whether the Bible is literal or merely a figure of speech. Now before you all start stoning me for even SUGGESTING for a single second that the Bible may be a figure of speech, let me explain.

Many Pastors, theologians and mature christians believe that certain parts of the Bible may be a figure of speech. They believe that six days in God's book may be six thousand years. And before you start stoning them too, let me point out the evidence. You see, in 1 John, there is a phrase mentioned in it. The phrase is "the final hour is near". You see, THE FINAL HOUR. John has believed that the end of the world is nearing. But you see, we're like, a few thousand years apart from them and the world has not ended. You may argue that John didn't know. But let's see somethings shall we? John wrote FOR THE BIBLE. And the Bible is God's word GIVEN to people like John. So we can thus infer that even God says that this is "the final hour". So how can we POSSIBLY take things like THIS to be literal?

Pastor Timothy has made it pretty clear that he would prefer it if I took the literal stance on things. But he still stressed the importance of choosing whether I'm a literal christian or a figurative Bible-believer. With all due respect to him as a Pastor, I personally believe that it isn't that important after. Up till now, I haven't made my decision. And I think God won't be very strongly worried whether I make up my mind before I die or not.

What's important is this: I BELIEVE that God COULD have done all those things. Like totally and complete flood the world, like complete creating the earth in a mere six days (even by our twenty four hours a day standards). Heck, I believe He can do it right now! So you see, this is what's important.

If you were to ask me what I believe in, I would only have this to say; I would say that I believe that the bible tells you what happened, but not how it happened. And I stick to that belief. It's concrete, and no matter whether you're a by-the-book christian as everybody in the CG is, or a slightly less conventional christian like me, you cannot argue with this fact.

Before you start stoning me (again, for being a very unconventional christian), I say you put this difference behind you. I'll tell you that I'm leaning to the side of believing that a number of things are very possibly a figure of speech. But DO NOT STONE ME because this is how so many problems have broken out in christianity. Look at Ireland's internal conflict, catholics versus prodestants. It brings me to my VERY IMPORTANT SECOND POINT: Minor on the minors and Major on the majors.

Let me explain, we need to focus on the similarities that are the major ones. Like we need to focus on the fact that we all believe in God. All the other minor differences should be pushed aside. Of course, don't use catholics as a comparison, because the difference is that they worship Mary and that's a pretty big difference. So yes. But still. We shouldn't FIGHT over differences like this.

If you forget every single word here or can't be bothered to read this chunk of text, please, I implore you, just read the text in bold.


Sunday, June 21, 2009 11:54 PM

Firstly today cg the east timor came to share something ,
how the east timor will be like and stuff..they did quite alot
of sharing with us!!i think most of us manage to get the
picture of it!!hahas....we also celebrated tabby 22nd birthday as well!!
Attendance taking IC:kimbelyn
that is all i know for the day!!

TABBY will officially step down being a LCG leader at the
end of this month,she will move on to the worship ministry
most probally,let us give her our blessings and continue to keep
her in our prayers ...
TABBY,thanks for giving us this 2 years plus guidance
and sharing of gods words to us!Thanks for being such
a wonderful LCG leader to all of us ...we appreciate you
alot,we will definitely cooperate with the LCG leader in our cg!

by shirley!

Friday, June 19, 2009 7:22 AM

The lower my resistance to the Word of God, the higher is my power rating!

A fuse is made of a metal, such as silver wire, which offers low resistance to current. Low resistance means high conductivity. Translated into the spiritual, the lower our resistance to the Word of God, the higher the power rating. The higher our resistance in obedience to the Word, the lower the operational power of God. A fuse with high resistance would either carry no power at all, or else soon blow. When we resist the Word by unbelief, the power of God cannot come through. If we say that we believe in the Word but disobey it, we negate our faith. It blows the fuse. The power of God is little when the Word of God means little to us.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009 2:12 PM

may your wishes come true
may you get closes to god more

hope you enjoy your holiday trip in italy
right now!!we are missing you too!!

Outing @ Bugis
Monday, June 8, 2009 11:07 AM

Guys Night Out! ( 7june2008 )
Peep's That Went:Darren,Shunbin,Joel,benedict
& Justin
Venue:Lavender & Bugis

Hey Peeps!
Yesterday We All Had a great time.
First we Met at Causeway

Then We had to take the long way down to meet joel
at queensway Mrt station!
So After Meeting Joel I went All the way to
We Went to eat Thai food There
and share about some Of the things happen During
The Holidays.
So After Talking We got bored and Started The dare Game.
So It All started When eating,
The Game Is to Guess the Price
And The Loser have to Eat the Chillies LOLS!
So Darren Lost...yeah.
We Then Slowly Walked to Bugis
On the way we did crazy Stuff
Darren Went to sat on words in the fountain
that are not suppose to be sat on
and the guard was looking at us. LOLS!

AfterA Long Walk And Digestion
We Finally Reach bugis we went to
walk Awhile,and decided To eat again.
We Went to The Nearest dessert stall and order a few
Different dessert.

After That We decided to go to The Arcade
We Walk Through Bugis street
and reach a Big Shopping mall.
The interior Was So nice!
Have to Go there again One day!
So we proceed To the arcade
and justin dare Darren to play a jumping game
that cost $2 Per Game!
So Darren Went to play,
But he got tired half way through
The game is a race and 4 player have to play,
So Darren have to stand in between small kids and Jump
with them LOLS!
but Darren got tired halfway thorugh
and ask benedict to Jump.
it's was so funny!
Then we went to play Drums,
Darren and shunbin played first!
Then Justin and Joel.
After that we were choosing games to play,
and finally stopped at a soccer game where 4 player can play.
so Darren,justin,shunbin & benedict went to play.
justin vs shunbin
Benedict vs Darren
WE all lost at 0:0
Justin played again and Got a score of 1:2
justin finally won lols!
so shunbin helped him play

And We Found Out that Joel Was a
Lousy Sweet grabber !
So we went to play a sweet grabbing game
and benedict played first and got 20 over sweets.
and went Joel played guess what,
He got
ZERO sweets!
Hahas! No la joking!

after that we went to the toilet and joel went last
so after we all gather outside without joel,
shunbin told us to go hide and play with joel.
so we played hide and seek with him.
We were hiding outside as there's a door that leads to the outside
at the 4th floor so no one was there so we decided to hide there.
there joel came out.
He got blur and tried to find us.
then he called shunbin.
But shunbin did'nt answer.
then he called me,
I answered And Shunbin ask me to
give him a hint so we told him it's the arcade floor.
So He continue to search for us
and he being smart
came outside and look.
we all were scared and conered
then benedict and shunbin tried to run
But ben tripped and pushed shunbin and they both fell down.
After That we all went home.
hahas had a Great Time!

Aaron flying off
Sunday, June 7, 2009 2:48 PM

i think he flying off today.. haha.. have asked him to buy us some food.. hopefully he don't forget.. (",)

CG Vision Day
Saturday, June 6, 2009 1:08 PM

Yeah!!! Tabby, Vera & me have plan the cg schedule from NOW till (Sept 27)

21-Jun-2009 (**Go{L}d LCG vision day**)
I will be sharing with you all some minor structural change in the CG eg: from now on Cell Group(CG) will change name to Life Change Group(LCG)

we will also set some roles eg:
  • Guys sms IC

  • Girls sms IC

  • Attendance IC & more

28-July-2009(vision day 2)
Pastor timothy visiting.

mainly will show you all a PICTURE that God have laid on my heart on 10-april-2009, do some picture description etc (",)
Youth week ends 4 CG i still donno do wat :)

12-july-2009(Vision day 3)
sharing the main thing of the PICTURE & also an annoumcement for the Guys and a "Special Thing" we will be doing in LCG for the next few months

19-July-2009(Vision day 4{final})
Vera sharing on col3:14-17 (plz go and read & possible memorize)
youth & sexuality forum
1.30pm - 4.30pm

start the "Special Thing" & maybe make pizza, something relaxing


**singapore 41 national day** we will just meet after service for lunch @888(TBC)

16-Aug-2009(start BS series on Apolatics)
BS by SB: How do we know the Bible is true?

BS by SB: How can one God be three person?

Discussion on the trinity - God as Three in One

something i am very excited to share, this issue use to trouble me alot & God has graceiously grand me understanding

BS by Vera: TBC


13-Sept-2009(LCG outing)

Don't miss this rare opportunity to see the Dead Sea Scrolls(something really impt to the christian faith) and other artefacts of the Ancient World.

Price: $17, i will get a subsadie of $7 for all of you. so from now till 13-sept, do safe up some money k. however i understand some might not be able to affort, money is NEVER a problem. God have more then enough to bless



27-sept-2009(End BS series on Apolatics)

BS by Vera: TBC

PS: unless otherwise stated


Location: Vera House

also from now on, you ALL will play a part in planning for the CG BS topic, planning etc. some of you will be challange to even lead BS etc, so be prepare (",) hehe

Thursday, June 4, 2009 11:27 AM

Just for your information,
Tabby will be flying off to Switzerland 4 June '09(Today)
@ 11pm.
Let's pray that she won't forget to buy us chocolate:)
Also pray for safe journey,enjoyable and relaxing time 
with her family and God.
Send your greetings to her k.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009 12:26 PM


Time: ???
Location: ???

Detail: CG Vision Day(no better words to use), we will be sharing with you all the CG direction etc!! all of you have a part to play, so do pray for us as we plan of wat we going to do in CG..


one week earilyer, do take note.. we will be inviting the east timor(1 life 1 year) team and have Q&A.. more like sharing la.. so also do come prepare with some difficult Q for them k.. i would really like to know wat made them decided to make such CRAZY decission

Monday, June 1, 2009 11:20 AM

SLEEPOVER details! (:
This is for the GIRLS only. Thank you for your understanding.
hahahaaahah, okays, let's get down to business.

Packing list:
1. Toothbrush
2. Toothpaste(incase we use too much of vera's)
3. Face soap
1. One set of casual wear
2. One set of pyjamas(Vera's rule)
3. One set of Church service outfit(IMPORTANT!)
4. Two sets of undergarment
1.Water Bottle
2. Hair accessories.
3. Wallet
4. One coloured nail polish(optional)
5. Sleeping bag
6. Bible
7. Spiritual Notebook/Journal
8. Soft toy, teddybear etc.

Meeting time&venue: 1pm in Church.

Yupp, these are some of the stuffs that you have to bring and take note of. You can also bring snacks or DVDs that you would like to share. We'll be making tiramisu if possible. (: haha, the guys stand to gain as Vera said we'll share with them. See how generous girls can be? hahahaa, okays, clear whatever doubts you have with Vera. Love ya! :D

In God's awesome ♥
GO(L)D 90 FM
adj. God our "Lao Da" (awesome Dad in the sky)
2. Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen year olds.
3. Fuel Miracles, Fishers of Men (Yes, that would be what the FM stands for, love)
4. There is no love but in God alone

Headed by: Shunbin, Vera
Ex-headed by: Tabby, Joshua, Bethia, Angela
Aaron, Amanda, Ann, Aticus
Benedick, Bernard
Camilia, Christine, Clairah
Darren, Deborah
Grace,Issac Kuan, Joy
Jeremy, Kimberlyn
Kellie, Shirley

Set our sights in Him
Colossians 3:12-17
12Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
13Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
14And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
15Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Speak of His love

All the children

Your preference.

January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
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April 2010
June 2010
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